What is Compounding?

More and more doctors and patients are hearing about ‘compounding pharmacies’, and at SmartScript Pharmacy we are getting more and more calls asking, “What IS compounding?” This is a question we like to hear because it gives us a chance to explain just how many ways we can provide individualized pharmacy care.

Simply put – compounding is a method of preparing medications to meet individual and unique doctor/patient needs. You are not just a “number” to us; you are a doctor who needs to have customized medicines for your patients; and you are the patient who we want to know personally.

Compounding pharmacists can play a major role in health care because of their ability to help solve challenging patient problems. One example that we see a lot of is the patient who is allergic to commonly used fillers, dyes, binders and other additives that are a used in mass-produced medications – we can compound many of the needed medications without these additives. Many times prescribed medications are only available in limited strengths or dosages – with compounding, we can make the individualized prescribed strength and dosage that the patient needs.

Working with physicians, SmartScript pharmacists are continually providing solutions to medication problems, meeting patient needs, and helping to provide an improved quality of life – for our patients and our animal friends.

How can Compounding help you?

  • By solving dosing problems with individualized, patient specific dosing
  • By making medications that are dye-free, preservative-free and lactose free
  • By making medications that may no longer be available
  • By customizing medication strengths
  • By adding flavors to help ‘make the medicine go down’ easier

Any one of these compounding services can help with medication administration and compliance and get patients on their way to feeling better.


SmartScript Pharmacy
4041 WI-91
Oshkosh, WI 54904

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